
Comunicados de prensa



Miami, FL, 13 de junio de 2018 –  

Interval International, a prominent worldwide provider of vacation services, revealed that its Mexico-resident members place strong value on vacation ownership and Interval membership, with more than four out of five respondents indicating that they have recommended vacation ownership in the past or are likely to do so in the future. An impressive 88 percent cite the ability to exchange their timeshare as important, reinforcing how well Interval membership complements vacation ownership.

These are some of the findings from Interval International's 2018 Membership Profile Mexico Edition, a biennial study that provides important data about future purchase intentions, timeshare ownership, travel habits and vacation preferences, use of technology and social media, and demographic characteristics of members who reside in Mexico.

"Owing to its many attributes that include spacious accommodations, vacation ownership has long driven family vacations," said Marcos Agostini, Interval's executive vice president of global sales and business development. "Interval provides valuable leisure benefits and services — especially exchange — that are key to providing the variety of experiences families expect today."

The survey underscores the proven appeal of the product and the long-term benefit of ownership, with more than half of Mexico-resident members indicating they have owned their timeshare for more than a decade. In addition, they are frequent travelers who seek out a wide range of activities when traveling for leisure purposes. Nearly seven in 10 report traveling internationally one week or more per year and 86 percent indicate they travel domestically at least one week per year. Their preferred activities while on vacation include sightseeing, historical tours, shopping, and visiting museums and theme parks.

These research results will be of particular interest to current and prospective entrants to understand the behavior of potential buyers in Mexico. "In fact, our latest survey also reveals that price, location, and trading power are among the most influential factors in the decision-making process for respondents interested in purchasing additional vacation time," Agostini added. 

Other notable findings from the study include:

  • Beach and urban locations are among the most sought-after vacation experiences for future travel.
  • Eighty-one percent of respondents indicate that their typical leisure trip is one to two weeks long.
  • Eighty percent of Mexico-resident members' children or grandchildren have an influence on the family's travel plans.

Additional region-specific infographics based on the Interval International 2018 Membership Profile will be available in the coming months. They will include an expanded analysis of the results and worldwide travel trends verified by global hospitality services firm HVS. Contact for more information.

Acerca de Interval International
Interval International operates membership programs for vacationers and provides value-added services to its developer clients worldwide. Con base en Miami, Florida, la compañía ha sido pionera e innovadora en el mercado de propiedades vacacionales desde 1976. Today, Interval's exchange network comprises nearly 3.200 resorts in over 80 nations. A través de oficinas en 15 países, Interval ofrece productos y beneficios de alta calidad a complejos turísticos y a aproximadamente 2 millones de familias afiliadas que están inscritas en diversos programas de afiliación. Interval es un negocio operativo de ILG (Nasdaq: ILG), proveedor mundial líder de experiencias vacacionales brindadas de manera profesional.

About HVS Consulting

Thousands of hotel owners, developers, investors, lenders, management companies, and public agencies around the world rely on HVS for expertise on financing, developing, owning, and operating hospitality businesses. Our team of more than 300 people, which span over 50 offices worldwide, specialize in all types of hospitality assets, including hotels, restaurants, spas, casinos, shared ownership lodging, mixed-use developments, and golf courses, as well as conventions, sports, and entertainment facilities.

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Beatrice de Peyrecave

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Interval International, 6262 Sunset Drive, Miami, estado de Florida 33143